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An essentian part of every professional's (and parent's) toolkit.

A great new range of books for teachers and specialists. Focusing on the problems and issues surrounding literacy and motivation, as well as key tricky areas in the curriculum, each book offers a fresh perspective, combined with valuable tips, tricks and activity ideas. Each book has a practical focus, making it an essential companion for all those charged with delivering the curriculum.

Unlocking the Reader in Every Child


Susan Elkin





No. of Pages:




An essential book for teachers, special needs co-ordinators and all those who support children in schools, and the perfect book for parents who want to help develop their child’s reading skills at home.

This book helps parents and teachers unlock the reader in every child. It provides a basic, quick-to-read guide to teaching reading, drawing on best practice over the years and avoiding ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ fashions.

But this book is not just a guide. It’s a toolkit, too. Each section contains practical activities, games and ‘try this’ ideas to help develop reading skills and overcome obstacles. It tackles age-old topics in new ways.

Every page offers some fresh perspectives to try – either at home or in the classroom – all with a very practical focus. There are games and activities to

• build phonological awareness
• turn decoders into real readers
• help strugglers
• overcome reluctance to read
• harness visual literacy and children’s passions
• meet individual needs (including children with specific learning difficulties)
• achieve literacy outcomes without even teaching ‘literacy’.

With plenty of reading suggestions too, it’s the book you can’t afford to be without.



Unlocking the Poet in Every Child


David Orme





No. of Pages:




David Orme has nearly 25 years experience of teaching poetry – both in the classroom and in workshops around the country. Now he distills that amazing wealth of experience into over 200 pages of tried and tested ideas and resources.

Equally applicable to primary and secondary (and even to adult learning), the book includes:

• strategies for teaching poetry
• 60 poetry activities to implement in the classroom
• an anthology of poems (arranged by type and by topic, all written by the author) which can be used to support poetry in the classroom.


Unlocking the Writer in Every Child


Susan Elkin





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The essential companion to the successful Unlocking the Reader, this new book focuses on the often neglected area of writing. It follows the same format as its predecessor, offering explanation, tips and guidance, alongside practical activities to engage and support writing.

Individual chapters focus on writing fiction, poetry and drama, writing for practical purposes (including persuasive writing) and writing in the digital world. A specific chapter also addresses special needs issues in writing. As with reading, learning to write needs support and continual practice at all ages, and this book offers activity ideas for children learning to write, from beginners right up to post-16 years.

The essential companion to the successful Unlocking the Reader, this new book focuses on the often neglected area of writing. It follows the same format as its predecessor, offering explanation, tips and guidance, alongside practical activities to engage and support writing.



Motivating Reluctant and Struggling Readers


Stephen Rickard





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An essential resource that focuses exclusively on motivating reluctant and struggling readers.

Children who struggle with reading often have a negative relationship with books and the written word. As they read less and less, their literacy skills are not developed and they fall further behind.

This book offers practical activity suggestions to break this vicious cycle and re-engage children with reading in its broadest sense. Topics covered include: alternatives to books, avoiding ‘switching children off’, using computers and digital technology effectively and developing generic strategies to overcome resistance to reading.

As with other books in this series, every chapter is followed by specific activity suggestions.



Unlocking Speaking and Listening in Every Child


Mary Hopper





No. of Pages:




Unlocking children’s speaking and listening skills is crucially important in developing children’s literacy and communication abilities. Good communication improves performance, is more rewarding for the individual and builds children’s self-esteem.

This book, the latest addition to the successful ‘Unlocking ...’ series, includes sections covering developing listening skills, speaking for a purpose, structuring group discussions, building self esteem and social skills, word games and language play and assessing speaking and listening.
